Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I let the new moon get away from me. This past weekend was absolutely insane for me busy-wise. I don't know what happened. Here's my ort jar for this new moon. I got lazy and just put it up on my project case this month.  If you are interested in getting involved with the TUSAL, head on over to Daffycat's page and sign up, it's never too late to start!

I do need to put a little update on my QS Fire Moon, I started over. I'll explain more when I post my update on Friday.

I hope everyone has a safe rest of the week, it's going by fast, or not, but I'm definitely ready for a long weekend!


mdgtjulie said...

So many threads, so many colors. Your ORT jar is lovely, Otter. Hope you enjoy your long weekend!!

Anonymous said...


Your jar is looking so pretty and so full!

Happy long weekend!