Friday, April 13, 2012

SW Mission, Boy Am I Dizzy!

No, I'm not dizzy because of the SW Mission piece, I'm dizzy because I have vertigo. Actual diagnosed vertigo. I noticed Wednesday at work that every time I turned my head or looked up, I felt like I was going to fall out of my chair. I thought it might be my ears or possibly my allergies doing a number on me. I left work early on slept for a few hours, but that didn't seem to help. I went to work on Thursday feeling passable, but after an hour or two I started feeling dizzy again. I called my doc and thankfully, they had an opening a couple of hours later. So the verdict is Vertigo. The doc prescribed some good meds and told me to take a few days off to let it get in my system, so here I am home, and stitching...when I'm not sleeping, the meds make me sleepy.

Now on with the stitching update! Last week my random number was 3, the pattern I call the SW Mission. I got quite a bit of the clouds done. I finished the 3rd page and have 2ish pages left to go. The ish is the last of the 4th page. Looks like I might get this one done this year!

It's easy to get bored with this due to the large blocks of color, but I have decided that no matter what I'm going to stick to my week long rotation and that way I'll complete more projects over the course of the week.

This is the only WIP that I chose for my challenge this year. I have a few others that I may add to next years challenge. Yes, I'm already planning for 2013. The wonderful folks that are part of the challenge group on Facebook have really been a huge inspiration to me.

I don't have any stitchy friends close by and although my hubby oooh's and aaah's when I show him my progress on things, there are times I think he's just doing it to be a good sport. I do the same when he talks about the inner workings of printers sometimes. Shhh, don't tell him. :)

Speaking of my hubby, I'm spending this week on his favorite baseball team's logo. I've done this one just this past December for one of my stitchy friends who lives in Minnesota and loves the Twins too.

Thanks for taking time out to visit my little corner of the blogiverse. Until next time, Happy Stitching!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Hi, I saw your comment on Nicola's blog about Reading the Banns. Just in case she's a tad busy to reply I thought I'd let you know.

"Banns" are simply details of a forthcoming wedding, the names of the bride and groom and the time & date of the wedding. Here in England when a couple are planning to marry in a church the Banns are read out as part of the Church Service for three consecutive Sundays before the Wedding. This is to give anyone the chance to object (eg if one of the couple is already married).

It's quite exciting hearing your name read out and also a little nerve wracking just in case someone pops up with an objection!

Hope this helps.

Happy Stitching Jo xx

Otter said...

Thanks so much Jo!! I guess I should have figured that was the purpose, but I'd rather ask and get a knowledgeable answer than guess wrong.

Thanks again.